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Dedication and innovation make Schoneveld Breeding a reliable partner

In a conversation with Gianfranco de Leo, area manager for Southern Europe at Schoneveld Breeding one word stands out: dedication. Every employee and work process at Schoneveld Breeding operates with full commitment. "We are extremely focused on the grower. Our goal is to deliver top-quality seeds every month of the year, and you can only achieve that if you're fully dedicated to your customers."

It's no surprise that 'dedication' is one of Schoneveld Breeding's core values. Gianfranco explains, "Growers know that we offer a product for every climate, year-round. Every pot size, every flower size, as a grower you can always rely on us. And they do – finding the right series throughout the year to meet their needs."

"In addition to our dedication, we're known for our innovations," Gianfranco continues. "When we introduce a new product, it's always better than what's already on the market. In my view, you can't innovate without dedication. So, it may have taken a while, but when growers signaled the need for a large-flowered Cyclamen for all seasons, we started developing new products. Today, we're proud to offer a range that includes Leopardo, Mammoth NextGen, and Vintro, covering as long a growing season as possible."

Super Serie Fusion
Gianfranco cites the Super Serie Fusion Large as another example. "We excel in genetic research, which is why we were the first to bring a two-tone large-flowered Cyclamen to market. At the same time, we improve what's already there. That's why our Super Serie Fusion Midi is much more uniform than the existing products. Growers are often surprised by what we can create, and for consumers, the wide range of options in garden centers is appealing."

"That's where Schoneveld Breeding makes a difference: by adding value to every link in the chain."

Add value
According to Gianfranco, the breeding department is the heart of the company. "That's where our mastership truly shines. Additionally, we form product teams with various departments for every product. These teams explore the best ways to make products profitable for the entire value chain. That's where Schoneveld Breeding makes a difference: by adding value to every link in the chain."

The whole chain
Every link in the chain has different needs. For a young plant grower, germination is critical, while for consumers, it's about enjoying a beautiful product. We address all these needs with our products. And we can do this because we conduct thorough testing."

Gianfranco elaborates, "When we create a new product, we always test it in different climates and conditions before launching. We invest heavily in these trials, involving many growers. We test in real-world settings because every greenhouse is unique. These extensive trials make us more reliable. When we introduce a new product, we don't just claim it's good – we know it is because we've tested it in various environments."

Heat-tolerant series
"For example, consider our heat-tolerant range: Super Serie Verano, Elegante, Allure, and Leopardo. We developed this range in response to grower demand for heat-resistant varieties. We selected these series under extreme heat conditions and then tested them with growers in warm climates, in real market environments. This approach ensures that we are offering top-quality products. It's a process that takes around seven years, requiring significant dedication. But the result is worth it."

"We not only aim to do right by the environment, but also to reduce the workload for growers, helping them spend less on their cultivation."

Along with dedication comes sustainability. Gianfranco explains, "I like to break this down into two parts. On one hand, there's environmental impact. We improve genetics so our products require fewer chemicals, are less sensitive to disease, and we make our processes as sustainable as possible. For example, we use a closed water cycle in our greenhouses. But the other aspect is economic sustainability. "We not only aim to do right by the environment, but also to reduce the workload for growers, helping them spend less on their cultivation." It's always about finding the right balance."

Schoneveld's added value
Gianfranco concludes confidently: "Schoneveld Breeding is the best choice in the market. We add value in many ways and are fully committed to improving the lives of growers."

For more information:
Schoneveld Breeding