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US: 2025 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show theme announced

How can gardening shape a better future? The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's (PHS) 2025 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show will explore this and more with its theme, 'Gardens of Tomorrow'. The 2025 exhibits invites visitors to explore the future through the eyes of designers, gardeners, and passionate green enthusiasts as they seek to merge nature's brilliance with human ingenuity.

VP and Creative Director of the Philadelphia Flower Show, Seth Pearsoll said: "'Gardens of Tomorrow' invites us to envision a future where our actions today nurture a healthier planet. Through the simple act of gardening and planting trees, we plant seeds of hope for a greener future."

As part of the 2025 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show announcement, PHS is unveiling the first in a series of thematic art pieces inspired by 'Gardens of Tomorrow'. "Digitally hybridized flowers, using historic photos and illustrations from the PHS McLean Library, hint at a future of possibilities echoed by the prismatic effect and varied fonts. With more versions to come in the new year, this first release teases the idea of what could sprout tomorrow with what we tend to today."

Features to expect this year include:

  • A flower-filled entrance garden featuring flowering trees, 3 water features with cascading floral displays, floral sculptures, and a custom-lit archway.
  • Floral creations and gardens designed by the florists and garden artists from the U.S., and around the world.
  • A houseplant and indoor plant competition with entries from expert and amateur horticulturists. These participants compete to see whose plant is blue ribbon worthy, with entries judged by experts from around the country and the world. This competition is open to everyone.
  • 'Know to Grow' sessions. Learn from gardening experts on a variety of topics, from beginner basics to advanced techniques.
For more information:
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
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