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1-3 October, 2024

Spain: Iberflora 2024 set to begin

Iberflora 2024 will be held from 1 to 3 October at the event's new location, in pavilions 6, 7, and 8 of Feria Valencia. According to the Iberflora organization, the event is experiencing a 15% growth in the number of exhibitors, reaching a figure of more than 450 brands, which will increase to 670 with the union of synergies with Eurobrico, the International DIY Fair.

"Both events are part of one of the largest trade fair event for the Spanish habitat industry, with the celebration of Feria Hábitat Valencia, TEXTILHOGAR Home Textiles Premium, and Espacio Cocina SICI. These are five industrial fairs, all of them undisputed leaders in their sectors, which, when held simultaneously, make up the largest trade fair event for the Spanish industry, bringing together around 1,600 companies in its commercial showcase. A major trade fair event that expects the visit of around 60,000 professional buyers, 15% of whom are foreigners from around 50 countries."

The official opening will take place on the morning of Tuesday 1 October and will be attended by Maria Àngels Ramón-Llin, Director General of Agricultural and Livestock Production of the Generalitat Valenciana. That same morning the event will receive a visit from the President of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazón.

Máximo Solaz, director of the event, highlights that "Iberflora is, by nature, an international showcase" and that their objective is "to make Valencia the reference commercial destination for the green sector".

The Iberflora organization adds: "At this edition of Iberflora, the presence of Spanish companies has increased compared to the 2023 edition, with an 8% increase in exhibition space. Among the companies present, those grouped under the umbrella of the different autonomous producing communities stand out, such as the Valencian Community, championed by the sector association ASFPLANT, Catalonia, or Galicia and Andalusia, which have a strong presence thanks to the impetus of the respective autonomous governments."

"In the case of Andalusia, a total of 27 companies will participate with an exhibition area of ​​almost 1,300 square metres. In this way, the Andalusian horticulture sector will once again have a broad representation at the event, displaying its extensive catalog of products. The powerful Andalusian sector is a classic at Iberflora, with a constant presence over time, as it was last year when a similar number of exhibitors also participated."

" If the national presence has increased, the international presence has done so in a much more emphatic way, with a 36% increase in the participation of international exhibitors. This translates into more than 60 direct companies from countries such as Germany, France, Italy, and the Netherlands. This international presence makes Iberflora a unique meeting point to learn about the latest trends and developments in the global market."

Along with the exhibition offer, Iberflora wishes to offer training. The event will offer a variety of spaces and activities, such as the conferences organized by the Valencia City Council and the Spanish Federation of Gardening Companies (FEEJ). In the case of the City Council conferences, which are held within the framework of the European Green Capital on 1 and 2 October, attendees will be able to participate in debates on the management of the urban forest, lights, and shadows under the motto 'public-private collaboration in the management of the urban forest'. For its part, the technical conference on drought and gardens organized by the FEEJ will be held on Thursday 3 October in the morning. Both conferences will take place in the Auditorium of the Foro Norte at Feria Valencia.

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