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Morel marks a new era for Cyclamen persicum

"The first double flowered cyclamen on the European market"

It is the first double-flowered F1 hybrid cyclamen on the European market and flowers for more than 100 days. The cyclamen in question is Petit Moulin® from Morel. This new variety is the result of a collaboration between Morel and the Japanese company Hirohara Flower Farm, fitting well into Morel's sustainable innovation strategy. This new variety will be showcased alongside other Morel varieties in trials in the Netherlands and France in the coming weeks.

Hirohara Flower Farm is a Japanese grower that has been producing plants and cut flowers since 1964. The "double flower" trait already existed as a population as this Japanese company began breeding these new double-flower types more than 20 years ago through the discovery of a genetic mutation in traditional varieties. They developed the emblematic ''Green Tiara'' and ''Screwstar'' varieties, which - with a more natural habit and scattered blooming pattern - brought a novel vision for cyclamen, setting them apart from traditionally ''centered' 'varieties, explains Sophie Dyrlund.

"Founded on the trust placed in us by Mr Kobayashi Yoshitaka and son Kei, we were privileged to work with one of their double-flowered population varieties, renowned for its remarkably long flowering period. By developing a meticulous selection process, we have succeeded in combining the unique characteristics of Mr Kobayashi's double-flowered selections with the Morel lines. Petit Moulin, a robust and prolifically flowering F1 hybrid variety, is the result of these years of work. Its natural bloom style and organic appearance has already captivated early consumers."

According to Sophie Dyrlund, Petit Moulin introduces several innovations. "First of all, it is a F1 hybrid with double flowers, which combines the aesthetics of a new "double flower" characteristic with the robustness of an F1 hybrid (germination, cultivation, uniformity).On top of that, it has an aesthetic appeal with a rounded, natural look as the collaboration with Hirohara resulted in a plant shape that is less centralized than traditional cyclamens. The stems grow more sporadically around the plant, giving it a "natural" look. Additionally, its pastel pink tones are reminiscent of the natural hues of botanical cyclamens. Furtermore, it is a long-lasting plant as the partially sterile double flower is less likely to be pollinated by insects or through self-fertilization. As a result, the flowers last longer (up to 100 days) compared to a typical cyclamen. In addition, the plant itself blooms for over 100 days, and thanks to the near sterility of the flowers, it offers exceptional floribundity. And last but not least. it has a great outdoor performance as it attracts fewer pollinators, which helps its flowers last longer outdoors. With its more open, airy structure and rounded foliage, it is also resistant to botrytis.

Environmental benefits
Petit Moulin is a symbol of Morel's commitment to sustainable innovation and quality, Sophie Dyrlund explains. "It is part of our company's sustainable innovation strategy, aligned with our long-standing CSR policy, which has been at the core of our values for many years. It embodies sustainable innovation in its use as its blooming period lasts significantly longer than that of a traditional cyclamen, thanks to the longevity of its flowers (up to 100 days) and its unmatched ability to rebloom the following year. The blooming season is from October through March or April.

Market performance - expectations are high
So far, the reactions to Petit Moulin have been very positive, according to Sophie Dyrlund, and market performance expectations are high. "The plant's natural longevity and ability to rebloom each year, along with its low maintenance requirements, allow consumers to enjoy it for an extended period. Additionally, the satisfaction of having a cyclamen with a natural, botanical appearance is enhanced by its extended blooming period, exceptional durability, and innovative double-flower design."

Three shades
Currently, Petit Moulin is available in three shades; white with eye, pink with eye and lilac with eye, which are also available in a mix. In this mix, shades of salmon and magenta may also be present. It can be easily grown in 15 cm pots with 2 seedling plugs and the crop time from sowing is 32-34 weeks.

Trials in the Netherlands and France
Petit Moulin will also be showcased at the production trials in the Netherlands and the breeding trials France. In the Netherlands, the trials will be held in 's Gravenzande from week 43-45. At this location, novelties, pre-introductions, and experimental varieties will be on display. "The visitors can take a close look at their growth performance and discover what makes these varieties truly stand out in production." In France, the trials will take place in Frejus, from week 45-47. "Here, one can experience our life-sized catalog, retail setups, and cyclamen showcased in living spaces. This event offers a chance to connect with the Morel team and delve into the innovations driving the future of cyclamen breeding."

Click here to register for the trials

Click here to see all Morel's new 2024-25 varieties in their catalog.

For more information:
S.A.S. MOREL Diffusion
2565, Rue de Montourey
83600 Fréjus, France