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Making crop protection last longer

Vegetable growers used to lag somewhat behind ornamental growers, but now, Jos Veugen of Veugen Technology is seeing an increase in the use of the Powerfogger among vegetable growers. There, too, crop protection treatments are increasingly being carried out with a fogger. That fits in perfectly with these times. Biological agents are increasingly used. Jos: "And you see that biological agents often use more water. And the Powerfogger is also good at that."

The Powerfogger is electrically powered. There are also misting systems in crop protection that use a petrol engine. The big difference is that the electrically powered Powerfogger emits no heat nor burns petrol. Jos: "We hear that fewer and fewer customers want a combustion engine in the greenhouse because of the exhaust fumes. Also, many biological agents are temperature-sensitive. Despite the fact that we work with cooling nozzles, customers still think this affects the performance of the agents. So with the Powerfogger, that is solved."

Spraying is rarely the favorite activity of the greenhouse staff. Jos sees the labor-saving nature of the Powerfogger TB60D as a big advantage. So how does it work? Late afternoon, the Powerfogger is prepared and set up. You can set it at a particular height if necessary. Before the device starts doing its job, it ventilates for about half an hour.

Jos says that this helps the spread: "If the air is already moving before the agent is deployed, we see that the agent gets everywhere. The air is already moving then and it takes a while for the mist to settle. The post-ventilation leaves the effect for a while. The windows stay closed for as long as possible. But before people come in in the morning, the air has to be properly aired, of course." In the morning, as soon as people come in, the equipment is then hosed down and rinsed clean. Ready for the next use.

Because the machine does the work and not the human, the result is more uniform. And therefore more reliable. The same amount of the active ingredient ends up everywhere. It is person-independent results."

For more information:
Jos Veugen
Veugen Technology
Tel: +31 (0)495 160 188
[email protected]