Infinity Chrysanten has planted the first chrysanthemum cuttings on the new 4-hectare company in Bruchem. For this purpose, Deliflor Hoogveld has delivered cuttings in plugs for the first time. Infinity, which is part of the Kreling cooperative, has the scoop.
The reason for Infinity to choose cuttings are multifold, according to owner Arné Kreling.In particular, a faster and more even root development of the young chrysanthemum plants, more uniformity in growth, and a reduced risk of diseases and pests are the basis for his choice. "Because the root development in plugs is faster and the plants start better, the total cultivation cycle of chrysanthemums can be shortened. This means that we have a harvest-ready plant faster, which increases productivity," says Arné.
These supposed advantages are currently the subject of extensive practical research. Deliflor Hoogveld is involved in this and is keeping a close eye on developments. "Everything that can contribute to more sustainable chrysanthemum cultivation, requiring fewer crop protection products, has our attention. As a leading and innovative rooting company, we strive for sustainability in conjunction with business economics advantages," says director Gert van de Werken. "Our new building location in Nieuwaal has already taken into account the propagation in plugs, so if this does indeed take off, we are prepared."
The tray for the plugs that Deliflor Hoogveld uses in the new building was developed in consultation with Beekenkamp Verpakkingen. "This is a great example of the added value of the various disciplines within Beekenkamp Group," says Bob Persoon, sales manager at Beekenkamp Verpakkingen and involved in the development of the plug-cutting tray. "The short lines allowed for relatively fast product development, with the end product meeting all specific requirements. Arthur Sitee, a product developer at Beekenkamp Verpakkingen, played an important role in this."
For more information:
Deliflor Hoogveld
Hogeweg 16, 5313 BA
Nieuwaal, the Netherlands
Email: [email protected]
Infinity Chrysanten
Hoogveldweg 23
5214 BL, Bruchem, the Netherlands
[email protected]