On December 26, the Central Research laboratory of ICAR-Directorate of Floriculture Research (ICAR-DFR) was inaugurated in Pune, India. Among those present were Dr. Himanshu Pathak (Secretary DAER & Director General ICAR), Dr. S.K. Singh (Deputy D.G.), Dr. V.B. Patel (Asstt D.G.) and Dr. Sudhakar Pandey (Asstt DG). The anchoring of the program was done by Dr. Taraknath Saha and the vote of thanks was given by Dr. Prashant Kawar.
After cutting the ribbon and lightening the lamp, Dr. Ganesh Kadam requested Dr. Himanshu Pathak to open the "Gladiolus Festival". Additionally, varieties developed by ICAR-DFR were introduced. For example, the DFR Sahyadri Vaman variety, a new Tuberose species which is specially developed for being used as a houseplant or for vertical gardening. It has a short spike (45-49 cm) and scented flowers. More than 100 varieties of chrysanthemums were also on display along with several other types of cut flowers.
Dr. K.V. Prasad, ICAR-DFR director welcomed all guest with bouquets prepared by students. He and several guests wore Puneri Pagadi which is among others a symbol of Pune city.
Besides flowers, fruits, vegetables and other products were also showcased to visitors.
For more information:
Pandharinath Mhaske
Coordinator India Florist Association
Mobile phone: + 9371009085
Email: [email protected]