Pune's Empress Botanical Garden will host a flower Show on January 24 to 27 this year. This flower show is organized by the Agri- Horticulture Society of Western India since 1890. This year the flower show will be inaugurated by Commissioner Jamabandi and the director of land record Dr. Suhas Dilvse.
Photo provided by Pandharinath Mhaske
According to information shared by Pandharinath Mhaske, Coordinator of the India Florist Association, the Empress Botanical Garden is a 182-year-old garden spread over an area of 39 acres. It is named after Queen Victoria who visited the garden when she held the royal mace. The Palm section of the garden has about 150 species of trees and flowers including rare and local ones. There also is a section for tropical trees and a small zoo.
Mr Mhaske states that the highlights of this flower exhibition is the variety of flower decorations in Japanese (Ikebana) style, Western style, and Bonsai trees made by the contestant. Nursery professionals and flower arrangers from Pune and neighboring district Kolhapur, Sangli, Nashik, and Andhra Pradesh state will be present at this flower show where various flowers, plants, fruits and vegetables will be on display for the competition.
Photo provided by Pandharinath Mhaske, who also shares that he participated in this flower show and won awards.
For more information:
Pandharinath Mhaske
Coordinator India Florist Association
Mobile phone: + 9371009085
Email: [email protected]