Among Kenyans, online unrest has emerged regarding the state visit of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima, which was announced last week. The royal couple will visit the East African country between March 18 and 20, at the invitation of President William Ruto. However, the latter is facing criticism. Citizen Digital reported that the Dutch government received 300 emails from Kenyans expressing opposition to the trip, opting for cancellation.
"We all understand that the Netherlands and Kenya have an important relationship," says Francis Gaitho, a football commentator who has been arrested multiple times for his criticism of Ruto and was briefly abducted by armed men in plain clothes in October, speaking to Dutch public broadcasting organisation NOS. He acknowledges the significant ties between the two countries, "especially when it comes to matters like flowers and tourism." "But the King and Queen cannot act as if they live in a bubble, as if they are unaware of the news. Life may be easy for them as royals, but for us, life is a nightmare as long as Ruto is in power."
The Netherlands is pairing a trade mission with the state visit, inviting Dutch companies to participate.