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India: Marigold cultivation training program hosted in Jammu

A two-day awareness, training and seed distribution program focusing on marigold production and crop management was inaugurated at the CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM), Jammu on Wednesday.

The event, part of the CSIR Floriculture Mission, brought together 176 farmers from various zones of Jammu district to promote scientific and commercial floriculture practices aimed at enhancing livelihoods and transforming India's agrarian landscape.

Dr. Zabeer Ahmed, Director of CSIR-IIIM, inaugurated the program as the chief guest. He emphasized the institute's commitment to empowering farmers through innovative technologies, optimal land utilization, and market-driven cultivation. Highlighting the importance of diversifying crops and adopting modern techniques, Dr. Ahmed encouraged farmers to explore cash crop farming, vertical farming, and secondary processing to boost income and sustainability.

The event was graced by the presence of notable figures, including Er. Abdul Rahim, Chief Scientist at CSIR-IIIM and Vikram Singh, Senior Controller of Administration. They praised the Floriculture Mission's impact in modernizing farming practices, improving incomes, and creating sustainable employment opportunities.

Read more at Rising Kashmir

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