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India; Growers glum as chrysanthemum price plummets

Farmers are crestfallen as the price of Samanthi (Chrysanthemum) dropped from Rs 240 -Rs 260 per kg to Rs 60 -Rs 70 within a week after Pongal. Chrysanthemum is cultivated in 3,150 hectares across the district.

S Nanjappan, a farmer from Dharmapuri told TNIE, " The main reason for the drop in price is the end of festival season. Right from October there were several festivals and the demand for Chrysanthemum was high. But after Pongal, the demand has reduced.

Moreover, in December, because of the rain caused by Fengal, production was disrupted. So the supply was impacted. Now production has increased, and this too has driven prices down."

K Madhappan from Nallampalli, a flower trader said, "On Sunday, one kilo was sold at Rs 70. One of the main causes is the lack of demand. Usually flowers from here are sent to Chennai and Bengaluru. But right now there is very little trade. Both farmers and traders have anticipated the situation. So there are few complaints."

Read more at New Indian Express

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