An experiment was conducted on potted Anthuriums (dwarf potted varieties of Anthurium andraeanum) at the Biotechnology and Tissue Culture Center premises under the All India Coordinated Research Project on Floriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, to study the effect of foliar spray of different nutrient solutions and growth regulators/biostimulants applied at varying frequencies.
The treatments included five nutrient solutions: Liquid MS medium, macro and micronutrient mixture, NPK (19:19:19), NPK (10:20:20), and NPK (12:61:40), sprayed weekly (once and twice), along with six growth regulator solutions. The different growth regulators and biostimulants included Gibberellic acid (GA3) at 100 ppm and 200 ppm (applied bimonthly), Benzyl Adenine (BA) at 50 ppm and 100 ppm (applied monthly), and humic acid at 0.1% and 0.2% (applied monthly). The nutrient solutions of only NPK were sprayed at a concentration of 0.2% and supplemented by a fortnightly spray of a micronutrient mixture solution of 0.2%. The results showed that spraying a macro and micronutrient mixture weekly once with GA3 at 200 ppm (applied bimonthly) resulted in the highest plant height (16.80 cm), and with humic acid at 0.1% (applied monthly) produced maximum plant spread in the E-W direction (19.08 cm). Spraying N:P:K (12:61:40) at 0.2% weekly once with Gibberellic acid at 200 ppm (applied bimonthly) resulted in maximum plant spread in the N-S direction (20.45 cm). A combination of N:P:K (12:61:40) at 0.2% weekly once with BA at 100 ppm (applied monthly) resulted in the maximum number of suckers (5.44) and leaves (40.56).
On average, the application of 12:61:40 at 0.2% weekly once resulted in maximum plant spread (18.54 cm, N-S) and the highest number of suckers (4.67).
(2025). Standardization of foliar spray of nutrients, growth regulators and bio-stimulants for vegetative growth & multiplication of pot-Anthuriums. Plant Science Today. 10.14719/pst.6075.
Source: Research Gate