The announcement has been made that Kathryn Russell will be joining as the new Greenhouse Floriculture Specialist at OMAFA. She will be handling all aspects related to ornamental production, including nutrients, lighting, substrates, and the overall greenhouse environment. Additionally, she will contribute to policy and programming behind the scenes. There are plans to start a quarterly newsletter soon to help growers in Ontario understand the work being done for them, whether or not they are physically present in the greenhouse.
Kathryn holds a Bachelor of Environmental Studies from the University of Waterloo and a Diploma in Ecological Restoration and Rehabilitation. She joins the team after several years of experience working in two large-scale floriculture greenhouses in the Niagara region. At these facilities, she conducted research on new plant materials and ensured optimal health for a wide array of ornamentals by applying different growing techniques. Specifically, she worked as a propagation grower for three years and then as a lead section grower in tropical plant production for two years. Kathryn has also held various roles with Agriculture and Agri-food Canada (AAFC), including nutrient and crop modeling co-ops.
Kathryn Russel
When asked about her favorite plant, Kathryn couldn't choose just one. She is a lover of monstera, spring bulbs (especially grape hyacinths), as well as million bells and other spring baskets.
Source: ONFloriculture