Flowers accounted for the largest export share in value for Kenya, with the country exporting 102,475.80 tons valued at Ksh 72.1 billion (53% of total export value) in 2024. The European Union (EU), a leading importer of Kenyan horticultural produce, started regulating the False Codling Moth (FCM) in 2017. This pest is endemic in Sub-Saharan Africa and is widely distributed in Kenya, mainly affecting flowers and a wide range of host crops, including citrus, avocado, and vegetables.
In 2023, the EU commissioned a study by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which indicated that fresh-cut roses pose a risk of introducing FCM to the EU. Additionally, in July 2024, the EU enacted a new regulation (Regulation 2004/2024) introducing more stringent measures for the export of fresh-cut roses to the EU. This regulation, which will take effect in Kenya on April 26, 2025, requires significant changes in the production and supply of roses. If the requirements are not fully met, there is a high risk of disrupting the export of flowers to the EU.
In 2024, there were 95 rejections of Kenyan export consignments and 48 interceptions (2.1 million stems) due to FCM, with an estimated value of 1.05 million euros. To address this, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development is now declaring zero tolerance for FCM and commits to ensuring 100% compliance with the EU regulations.
Implementing the FCM Systems Approach method to ensure compliance with EU regulations involves several steps. First, the FCM Systems Approach Protocol has been submitted to the EU as Kenya's description of the adopted measures to assure compliance for Kenyan produce being exported to the EU. Additionally, actors in the floriculture sub-sector are being trained to align with the new regulation. Furthermore, pest control products are being registered by the Pest Control Products Board (PCPB) for the management of the pest.
Currently, about seventy percent (70%) of exporters are compliant with measures to control FCM. Support and encouragement for the remaining thirty percent (30%) of exporters to comply are ongoing.
For more information:
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development
Cabinet Secretary Hon. Muthai Kagwe, EGH